Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gerd More Condition_symptoms How Do I Relieve The Symptoms Of Gerd When I Drink Alcohol?

How do i relieve the symptoms of gerd when i drink alcohol? - gerd more condition_symptoms

I enjoy a night once in a W, so friends and family, but I have Gerd ... Is there a way to reduce the pain and I extreme poverty to the day after? a little help back.


knicname said...

Take an inhibitor of the proton pump as Aciphex, Protonix, Prilosec, Prevacid, Axid, ie approximately 20-30 minutes before drinking.
Drink water in between.
Eating foods that are rich (in strength with their drinks, such as bread, biscuits, etc.)

As you know, alcohol is not the best in the esophagus.

Good luck.

KD said...

Ok. I'm fifteen and I am smarter than you. I have GERD / Acid Reflux Disease. I do not drink, because it will make the symptoms worse. But if you insist on drinking, eating a piece of bread before you. This will help acid in the stomach and not come into esouphagus. It could also start taking Prilosec OTC, or go to the doctor and get prescribed Prevacid. That's what I think anyway. Try to stay away from fatty, salty, spicy and fried foods. And you can Tums every two hours, the layer of esouphagus and not feel the acid in your carry esouphagus, the milk of the same, so you can drink esouphagus milk before bed for your bed, I can not really because I am lactose intolerance, but you can use the bread before you get to bed, and that helps.

Tessie said...

Your body says, "I do not drink alcohol. If you really want to do yet, substitute a glass of water with each drink. Had a good time anyway.

curious said...

Take 1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda mixed with 8 ounces of water, drink, heal. Usually not very high in sodium.

curlyQ said...

I do not drink alcohol. You can always hang and have fun, but you have to drink.

rosco said...

Do not drink. Make sure that you Gerd. Tagamet prevacid or help, ask your doc to check.

Bleep Bloop said...

Oh my God knows what the name of my fish now ...

GERD Super Man

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